Learn kitesurfing in 3 hours in Mallorca

If you ever thought about learning kitesurfing, one of the first questions you may have is: how long can take to learn kitesurfing?

Can I learn kitesurfing in 3 hours in Mallorca? I have heard that in Mallorca there is a flat water, shallow kite spot in which winds blow mildly and water temperature is perfect.



Which would be the right answer to that question? Can anybody learn kitesurfing in a couple of lessons or, as I have often heard, to learn kitesurfing can take ages?

What can be said? Some people have it harder to learn kitesurfing, some people don’t.  The guy we are talking in this blog entry, had it really easy.

kiteboarding different type of kites kite trainer kite course in Mallorca in May

Was he special? … not at first sight, he looked as a normal healthy Dutch fellow on his first attempt on his kite learning, he never touched a kite before.

Niels kitesurfing lessons in May Mallorca kiteschool

The next photos gives you an idea of how things can evolve when you are trying to learn in the right spot, with the right wind conditions and with the right kite equipment and of course with the right teaching

There’s not much left to say. Niels spend the first 2 hours familiarizing with the kite control. At the beginning of his third hour of lessons our new friend started his first waterstarts.

kite lessons 3 hours and up on the board learn kite in Mallorca in May

First with a kite trainer, 15 minutes later with a four lines a Flysurfer Peak of 4 mts and 25 long lines … to end with a try on the board and a Flysurfer Peak 9 mts in barely 12 kts of wind.

Actually, the day that Niels chose to have his kite lessons was a day of late wind, but if you are a good listener and your memory does not fail you, you already have a high percentage of chances of success.

Niels kiteboarding lessons 3 hours kite session in April Alcudia Mallorca

The board Niels used was a Flysurfer Door XL of 170×50 cms. This is not just a perfect beginners kiteboard but also an authentic light wind machine.
Congratulations Niels, you are a new member of our kiteclub and a new kiter to the world!