Learning kitesurfing in Mallorca in May

Embat is the name of the sea breezes  originated locally by the heating of the land with respect to the sea temperature. Learning kitesurfing in Mallorca in May it is 90 per cent guarantee as the thermal -Embat- blows most of the days.

It is also possible to receive winds from West-Northwest or North and sometimes from South switching in the afternoon to Southwest but unless there’s a deep low or high pressure area imposing themselves, the Embat will super impose over it.

This is basically the text we emailed to Peder and Hilde when they contacted Asociacion Aprende a Navegar looking for advice to book their kite course, considering that they had just two free days to dedicate to learn kitesurfing as they were travelling with the family.

1 kitesurfing lessons in May Alcudia Mallorca with Peder

Peder and Hilde became a kite club members of Asociación Aprende a Navegar on the 5th of May and they took the two days, 6 hours kite lessons, the first 3 hours which are included on their membership fee and one extra session of 3 more hours of kite tuition.

Peder and Hilde learned quite fast the basics of control of the kite and on their third hour of lessons
they even dared to start with their first waterstarts.

2 Mallorca kiteschool swedish kite lessons in May in Alcudia

Through the following pictures we will see how Peder and Hilde are starting their kite lessons, progressing
and standing up on the kiteboard for just a few meters but in fact incredibly early for what normally takes to perform the first waterstarts.



Peder first waterstart after just 2 and half hours of kite lessons as he’s gaining distance and riding quite fluently

3 flysurfer kite school swedish kite student in Alcudia in May


Now, after realizing that the ride towards the left suits him better

4 Sa Marina kiteschool Alcudia in May Peder first 300 mts kite ride

Peder happily, riding again fast and in control … and shortly, expectable end of his ride, he sunk, but with all honours. Congratulations Peder


5 Asociacion Aprende a Navegar kite school in May in Alcudia Peder and Hilde
Peder here is helping Hilde on her kite lessons and waterstart


7 Hilde and Peder learn kitesurfing in two days kite course May in Mallorca
Hilde stands up on her kiteboard and starts riding “with a little help from all the friends”


Peder and Hilde after kite lessons in May on Mallorca
end of the kite lessons session, Hilde and Peder family with their kite monitor.


Flysurfer kiteschool in Mallorca

The equipment that Peder and Hilde used during their kite lessons were 3 different Flysurfer kites, two of them were kite foils Peak models of 4 and 9 mts size and the kiteboad a Flysurfer XL model.

We are very happy to see how Peder and Hilde were able to ride in such a short time. Greetings amigos, happy to have you among our kite club members and hopefully looking forward to have you again with us next year here in Mallorca.